Dr. Sheila Bond and the Skincare Professionals at The Body and Face Cosmetic and Plastic Specialists NJ offer chemical peel treatments for healthier and more vibrant skin.
Results may vary.
The skin is the largest organ of the body and many men and women begin to notice the negative effects of sun, weather and aging. If you are concerned about uneven skin pigmentation, leathery texture of your facial skin, fine wrinkles, and blemishes, a medical chemical peel may be the solution for you.
What Are Chemical Peels?
Chemical peels use a solution of natural acids (AHA, TCA and phenol) to improve and smooth the skin texture by removing the damaged outer layers. Dr. Sheila Bond recommends chemical peels to men and women that would like to:
- Remove dark spots of hyperpigmentation
- Soften fine lines and wrinkles
- Remove scaly patches and rough skin
- Reduce acne and acne scars
- Age and liver spots (lentigines)
- Sun-damaged skin on the face or head
- Repair skin damage from old blemishes
Chemical peels are offered at beauty salons and spas, but their efficacy is questionable due to the concentration of active ingredients in the peel solutions as it is much weaker than in a plastic surgeon’s office. Due to the complexity of mixing acids to suit all of the unique and varied skin types, chemical peels are best performed in the office of a plastic surgeon that has experience in chemical peel formulations.
What Types Of Chemical Peels Are Offered?
The types of chemical peels, including the depth – superficial, medium depth and deep peels offered by Dr. Bond and the skin conditions and results are summarized below:
- ALPHAHYDROXY ACIDS (AHAs) are the mildest peel formulas. They produce a light peel for smoother, brighter looking skin. AHA peels are usually performed as a series of peels in ascending strengths at monthly intervals. A regimen of AHA products including facial cleansers and moisturizers is usually prescribed in conjunction to the peels to protect and improve the skin’s texture.
- TRICHLOROCETIC ACID (TCA) is used for medium depth peeling. It can remove fine surface wrinkles, superficial blemishes and pigment problems. A TCA peel will cause a reddening of the skin, not unlike sunburns but the eventual results will be aesthetically dramatic.
- RETINOL is a form of vitamin A that encourages the growth of skin cells. A retinol peel gives the skin a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance and is helpful in unclogging pores and reducing acne outbreaks.
The precise formula of the peel acid balance is adjusted by Dr. Bond according to each patient’s needs and facial renewal goals.
Individual results may vary.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
Learn if a physician administered chemical peel is right for you. Consult with Dr. Sheila Bond to discuss if and what type of chemical peel will help you with your facial renewal goals. Call (973) 509-0007 for your confidential consultation.
Visit our plastic / cosmetic surgery office located in Montclair, New Jersey (NJ). We serve patients from the following area, such as Essex, Hudson, Passaic and Sussex counties, as well as Jersey City, Newark, NJ and all surrounding areas including New York (NY).
Meet Dr. Bond
Choose your cosmetic surgeon carefully. If you are seeking an experienced and acclaimed New York/New Jersey plastic surgeon who produces natural- looking results, contact BODY and FACE for the expert care of your non-surgical needs.